If you are being sued by a creditor or a debt collection company, the best results are obtained by hiring a Debt Collection Defense Law Firm. In these times, one of the best methods of finding a Debt Collection Law Firm is to search the internet (which is probably what you are doing right now). Another method is to contact your local bar association (which is the professional organization of lawyers in your locality). Also, some government and court offices will have referral lists available, and you can consult attorneys you know for references.
Whatever the method, finding experienced lawyers for help and guidance is very important when you are being sued. Most legal fields are complex, and the law is nuanced. Good attorneys can help you understand your rights and responsibilities under the laws of your state or federal law. This is very true with respect to consumer laws and laws related to debt collection practices. If you are sued, you may not understand what is happening in the “big picture.” For example, many times, the company suing you is unfamiliar to you. You may ask: “I never heard of these people. Why are they suing me?” Debt collection defense attorneys can help answer that question (which, often, is that the company suing you purchased your debt from the original creditor and now has the right to sue you). Good lawyers can also explain the legal process and explain potential legal defenses, which may help you defeat the debt collector in court.
What should I look for when hiring a debt collection lawyer?
In general, you want to hire attorneys with deep experience in debt collection litigation defense. If you hire an attorney, your attorney will go to court and represent you before the judge and against the attorney for the debt collection company. Your attorney needs to know the law and be prepared to present any and all legal defenses.
You also want to find debt collection defense attorneys who know both federal and state consumer protection and litigation law. As noted above, consumers are protected by both federal and state law when it comes to fair debt collection practices. Many lawyers specialize in just federal law. However, to be effective, a good debt defense litigator must know state law as well.
In this respect, it is also important to hire a lawyer who is able to practice in your state. Each state licenses its own lawyers, and generally, a lawyer from one state cannot appear in court in a different State. Consequently, many law firms have different sets of lawyers who can practice law in different States. For example, here at Guardian Litigation Group, we have experienced debt collection lawyers who are licensed to practice law in California, Texas, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Since 2018, we have represented over 20,000 consumers, and we can help resolve all of your debt problems through debt settlements and bankruptcies.
What should I ask when looking to hire a debt collection attorney?
When you talk to a debt collection defense attorney, here are a few questions that you might ask:
- How much of your work involves debt collection defense? — Generally, the more an attorney works in a field, the better that attorney is.
- Have you handled a lot of cases like mine? How many? What kinds of results have you obtained?
- How much litigation have you done?
- What do you charge for your services?
Contact Experienced Debt Collection Defense Attorneys
For more information, contact the debtor’s rights and debt collection defense attorneys at Guardian Litigation Group, LLP. We are here to help if you are being sued for a debt you owe. Our compassionate lawyers will listen to your concerns and advise you throughout the debt collection lawsuit process. Debt collection lawsuits can have lasting repercussions, so please do not hesitate to contact our legal team so we can help you fight back. Our job is to vigorously defend your rights.